Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Friendship Day Contest Guidelines 07


A. Only bonafide and duly registered Red Cross Youth Members are allowed to participate in the proceedings and contests (Identification cards must be presented upon registration).
B. To encourage maximum participation of talented members, a contestant is allowed to enter only two (2) events and shall have additional registration charge of P20.00.
C. All contestants must report promptly to the contest committee before any event starts.
D. Contestants must NOT wear any school uniform, council shirt, insignia, or any identifying mark of their school council during the duration of the contest (except for the candidates of MR. & MS. Red Cross Youth).
E. Contestants shall be provided with numbers and a corresponding control sheet.
F. All posters, essays, piece entries, etc. submitted to the contest committee shall become official records of the contest. Therefore, it shall become official properties of the Chapter Youth Council.
G. All decisions of the Judges shall be final, therefore, inappealable.
H. As may be deemed necessary but just and fair to all contestants, specific rules and regulations may be announced before any event starts.


A. On-The-Spot Poster Making Contest
1. The contest committee shall provide a whole sheet of white cartolina for each contestant. However, they shall not be provided of any drawing materials.
2. Each contestant must bring his/her own drawing materials (crayons, pastel, water color, pencil, ruler, etc.)
3. Each Council is entitled to two (2) contestants.
4. Criteria:
Message 30%
Relevance to the theme 25%
Artistry & Workmanship 30%
Presentation 15% /100%

B. Life Power Dance Interpretation Contest
1. “Life Power” contest piece shall be given in advance to the participants
2. Alteration of the contest piece is strictly not allowed.
3. Each council is entitled only to a minimum of six (6) and a maximum of ten (10) dancers for the contest.
4. Costumes and paraphernalia shall be provided by the participants.
5. Criteria:
Interpretation/ Message 30%
Ease of Movement 15%
Choreography 20%
Coordination 15%
Stage Presence 10%
Appropriateness of costumes 10% /100%

C. On-The-Spot Essay Writing & Pagsulat Ng Sanaysay
1. The topic shall be given to the contestants ten minutes before the contest starts.
2. The essay should not be less than 800 words.
3. The contestants are given one and a half hour to develop the composition.
4. They shall be provided with writing paper and corresponding numbers.
5. Participants shall bring their own pens.
6. No books, materials, dictionaries and the like shall be brought inside the contest venue.
7. No other person shall be allowed inside the contest area except the contestants and members of the contest committee.
8. Each council is entitled to four (4) contestants (2 for Essay/2 for Sanaysay).
9. Criteria:
Content (relevance to the topic,
appropriateness of language,
comprehensiveness, clarity of thought) 50%
Organization (unity, coherence, style) 30%
Mechanics (punctuation, spelling,
Capitalization, Grammar) 20% /100%

D. On-The-Spot Poem And Tula Writing
1. The poem should focus on the contest theme.
2. Contest theme shall be given to the participants five minutes prior the contest.
3. The poem/tula shall be with a minimum of three and a maximum of six stanzas with 4 lines each stanza.
4. Participants are given one and a half hour to compose their poems/tula.
5. Each council is entitled to four (4) participants (2 for Poem/2 for Tula).
6. Criteria:
Content (relevance to the topic,
appropriateness of language,
comprehensiveness, clarity of thought) 60%
Organization (unity, coherence, style) 20%
Mechanics (punctuation, spelling) 20% /100%

E. Team Quiz Bee (Red Cross and General Information)
1. The contest shall broadly cover the following subjects:
A. Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
a. History of the Movement
b. International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
c. HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse Prevention
d. Red Cross Youth
e. First Aid and CPR
B. General Information and Current Events
2. The following shall be the categories of questions: Easy, Average and Difficult. In case of tie/s, clincher questions shall be administered.
3. Each category shall have the following number of questions and corresponding points each:

3 points each
6 secs
5 points each
10 secs
7 points each
15 secs
9 points each
10 secs

4. The contestant with the highest accumulated points after the difficult round shall be declared the winner.
5. In case of tie/s, the contest shall proceed to the clincher category. The first set shall be composed of three (3) questions. Should there be a tie, another set of three (3) shall be administered until the tie is broken.
6. Contestants shall write their answers in the board provided by the contest committee and answers should be written in print. [Name of person should be written completely (first name and last name). Wrong spelling is wrong.]
7. Answer boards should be raised, with or without answer, at the signal by the quiz master. Answers should be erased after the quiz master recognized the contestant’s numbers/answers.
8. Questions shall be in English and shall only be read twice.
9. Each Council is entitled to two (2) teams composed of three (3) members per team (1 team for RC/1 team GI).

F. Mr. & Ms. Red Cross Youth
1. The following shall be the contests for the Mr. and Ms. Red Cross Youth:
a. Street Wear
b. Semi-Formal Wear (polo & slacks)
c. RCY Uniform
d. RCY Council Shirt
e. Talent
f. Mr. & Ms. Knowledge (Question and Answer)
g. Red Cross Youth Volunteers Choice Award
2. As practiced in previous Mr. and Ms. RCY, the candidates have the option to wear make-up. No make-up artist is allowed. Only 1 chaperon per contestant, preferably officers of the council or the adviser
3. Contestants shall bring their own personal belongings.
4. The contest committee shall select the top seven, and scores will be back to zero.
5. Each council is entitled to four (4) contestants (2 females/2 males).
6. The seven finalists will perform their talents.
7. Criteria:
a. Best in Street Wear
b. RCY Uniform
c. RCY Council Shirt
d. Best in Semi-Formal Attire
Body Carriage 25%
Ease of Movements 25%
Projection and Personality 40%
Audience Impact 10% /100%
e. Best in Talent
Stage Presence 50%
Creativity 30%
Audience Impact 20% /100%
f. Pre-Finals Selection
Beauty of Face 20%
Body Proportionality 20%
Personality 20%
RCY Uniform 10%
RCY Council Shirt 10&
Street Wear 10%
Semi-Formal 10% /100%
g. Finalists
Beauty of Face 15%
Body Proportionality 15%
Personality 25%
Intelligence 30%
Talent 15% /100%
h. Red Cross Youth Volunteers Choice Award
1. RCY members can vote their favorite candidates though the RCY Volunteers
Choice award.
2. Each vote cost P1.00. The Candidate with the highest vote shall be declared
the winner for the award.
(***Note: RCY Volunteers Choice Awards have no bearing in the scores of the contestants)
8. The talent competition shall not exceed five (5) minutes per finalist.

G. Chess/Scrabble/Word Factory
1. Each Council is entitled to two (2) contestants for chess and singles of scrabble and word factory and one (1) pair for doubles of scrabble and word factory.
2. Standard rules for each game shall be applied.
3. Highest pointers shall be declared the winner.

Note: This is an inter-team competition not inter-council.

H. Obstacle Course
1. This is a team contest, each team composed of ten members.
2. There will be a designated course, with obstacles, for the competition.
3. All members of the team must pass each designated obstacles. Failure to pass an obstacle will automatically disqualify a team.
4. The team with the least possible time to complete the course shall be declared the winner.

I. Tug-Of-War
1. This is a team contest, each team composed of ten (10) members.

J. Kadang- Kadang sa Bao Relay
1. This is a team competition, each team composed of ten (10) members.
2. Materials, made of coconut husk (bao) and rope attached to the husk, shall be provided by the contest committee.
3. The first group to cross the finish line shall be declared the winner.

K. Sack Race
1. Refer guidelines to letter I.


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